CardData:Aedile Tullia

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Name Aedile Tullia
Image 600-231.png
Artist Marzena Piwowar
Text Each time you exalt a friendly non-token creature, make a token creature.
Assault 0
Hazardous 0
EnhanceAmber 0
EnhanceCapture 0
EnhanceDamage 0
EnhanceDraw 0
FlavorText “While we’re on the subject, I have a nephew who would be perfect for the position…”
Power 5
Armor 0
Æmber 0
Type Creature
House Saurian
Traits Politician • Dinosaur
Rarity Rare
SearchText Each time you exalt a friendly non-token creature, make a token creature.
SearchFlavorText “While we’re on the subject, I have a nephew who would be perfect for the position…”
Set Name Winds of Exchange
Card Number 231
Meta Debut