Kaupe (Evil Twin)

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Kaupe (Evil Twin)
Kaupe (Evil Twin) • Unfathomable • Creature • Evil Twin • You cannot play more than 1 card of each type each turn. 

Fight/Reap: Discard any number of cards from your hand. For each card discarded this way, deal 2Damage icon to an enemy creature. • Artist: Art Tavern • Card Number: DT:309

Kaupe (Evil Twin)
You cannot play more than 1 card of each type each turn.

Fight/Reap: Discard any number of cards from your hand. For each card discarded this way, deal 2Damage icon to an enemy creature.

DT 309
Artist: Art Tavern


When resolving the ability of Kaupe (Evil Twin), "any number" can be treated as zero.

Source: "Any Number"

Related Cards

Kaupe (Evil Twin) has a non-Evil Twin version: