CardData:Reach Advantage-Locale

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EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale de-de
Name Größenvorteil
Image De-de-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale es-es
Name Ventaja de la Altura
Image Es-es-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale fr-fr
Name Avantage de Taille
Image Fr-fr-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale it-it
Name Vantaggio di Portata
Image It-it-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale ko-ko
Name 덩치에서 오는 이점
Image Ko-ko-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale pl-pl
Name Przewaga wzrostu
Image Pl-pl-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale pt-pt
Name Tirar Vantagem
Image Pt-pt-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale ru-ru
Name Reach Advantage
Image Ru-ru-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale th-th
Name Reach Advantage
Image 496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale zh-hans
Name 近水楼台
Image Zh-hans-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.

EnglishName Reach Advantage
Locale zh-hant
Name 近水樓台
Image Zh-hant-496-180.png
Text Tide icon Play: If the tide is high, a friendly creature captures 3Aember icon. Otherwise, raise the tide.