CardData:Physicus Felix

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Set Name Dark Tidings
Card Number 161
Meta Debut

Name Physicus Felix
Image 496-161.png
Artist Dany Orizio
Text Tide icon Play/Fight: If the tide is high, you may exalt a creature.
Assault 0
Hazardous 0
EnhanceAmber 0
EnhanceCapture 0
EnhanceDamage 0
EnhanceDraw 0
FlavorText “All we are is a ripple in the water.”
Power 5
Armor 0
Æmber 0
Type Creature
House Saurian
Traits Dinosaur • Philosopher
Rarity Uncommon
SearchText  Play/Fight: If the tide is high, you may exalt a creature.
SearchFlavorText “All we are is a ripple in the water.”