CardData:Phylyx the Disintegrator-Locale

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EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale de-de
Name Phylyx der Vernichter
Image De-de-341-197.png
Text Schwer zu fassen. (In jedem Zug wird beim ersten Angriff auf diese Kreatur keinerlei Schaden zugefügt.)

Aktion: Dein Gegner verliert 1Aember icon für jede andere befreundete Mars-Kreatur.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale es-es
Name Phylyx el Desintegrador
Image Es-es-341-197.png
Text Elusivo (la primera vez que esta criatura sea atacada en cada turno, no se inflige daño).

Acción: Tu oponente pierde 1 Aember icon por cada otra criatura de Marte aliada.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale fr-fr
Name Phylyx le Désintégrateur
Image Fr-fr-341-197.png
Text Insaisissable. (Chaque tour, la première fois que cette créature est attaquée, aucun dégât n’est infligé.)

Action : Votre adversaire perd 1 Aember icon pour chaque autre créature de Mars alliée.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale it-it
Name Phylyx il Disintegratore
Image It-it-341-197.png
Text Elusione. (La prima volta in ogni turno in cui questa creatura viene attaccata, non vengono inflitti danni.)

Azione: Il tuo avversario perde 1Aember icon per ogni altra creatura Marte amica.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale ko-ko
Name Phylyx the Disintegrator
Image 341-197.png
Text Elusive. (The first time this creature is attacked each turn, no damage is dealt.)

Action: Your opponent loses 1Aember icon for each other friendly Mars creature.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale pl-pl
Name Dezintegrator Phylyx
Image Pl-pl-341-197.png
Text Nieuchwytność. (Podczas pierwszego ataku na to stworzenie w tej turze żadna ze stron nie zadaje obrażeń).

Akcja: Twój przeciwnik traci 1Aember icon za każde inne przyjazne stworzenie z domu Mars.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale pt-pt
Name Phylyx, o Disintegrador
Image Pt-pt-341-197.png
Text Elusivo. (A cada turno, na primeira vez

em que esta criatura for atacada,

nenhum dano é sofrido.)

Ação: O seu oponente perde 1Aember icon

para cada uma das outras criaturas

de Marte amigas.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale ru-ru
Name Phylyx the Disintegrator
Image 341-197.png
Text Elusive. (The first time this creature is attacked each turn, no damage is dealt.)

Action: Your opponent loses 1Aember icon for each other friendly Mars creature.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale th-th
Name Phylyx the Disintegrator
Image 341-197.png
Text Elusive. (The first time this creature is attacked each turn, no damage is dealt.)

Action: Your opponent loses 1Aember icon for each other friendly Mars creature.


EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale zh-hans
Name 瓦解者菲利克斯
Image Zh-hans-341-197.png
Text 遁行。(每个回合本生物第一次受到攻击时,不受到伤害。)



EnglishName Phylyx the Disintegrator
Locale zh-hant
Name 瓦解者菲利克斯
Image Zh-hant-341-197.png
Text 遁行。(每個回合本生物第一次受到攻擊時,不造成和受到任何傷害。)

