CardData:Admirable Neophyte

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Name Admirable Neophyte
Image 855-163.png
Artist Jeferson Cordeiro
Text Enhance Capture iconDamage icon.

Play: Make a token creature.

Assault 0
Hazardous 0
EnhanceAmber 0
EnhanceCapture 1
EnhanceDamage 1
EnhanceDraw 0
EnhanceDiscard 0
FlavorText “A model for all mutants to follow.” -Redeemer Amara
Power 2
Armor 1
Æmber 0
Type Creature
House Redemption
Traits Mutant
Rarity Common
SearchText Enhance PTD.

Play: Make a token creature.

SearchFlavorText “A model for all mutants to follow.” -Redeemer Amara
Set Name Tokens of Change
Card Number 163
Meta Debut