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Revision as of 21:09, 9 June 2023 by Saluk (talk | contribs) (importing card data)

Name Molluscaller
Image 600-067.png
Artist Dany Orizio
Text After Reap: For the remainder of the turn, each friendly Strange Shell gets +3 power and loses all abilities.
Assault 0
Hazardous 0
EnhanceAmber 0
EnhanceCapture 0
EnhanceDamage 0
EnhanceDraw 0
Power 4
Armor 4
Æmber 0
Type Creature
House Ekwidon
Traits Getrookya
Rarity Rare
SearchText Reap: For the remainder of the turn, each friendly Strange Shell gets +3 power and loses all abilities.
Source The Winds of Change Brings The Spoils Again!
Set Name Winds of Exchange
Card Number 067
Meta Debut