CardData:Nyyon Outpost
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Name | Nyyon Outpost |
Image | ![]() |
Artist | BalanceSheet |
Text | Action: Put a friendly creature on the bottom of its owner's deck. If you do, make 2 token creatures. |
Keywords | |
Assault | |
Hazardous | |
EnhanceAmber | |
EnhanceCapture | |
EnhanceDamage | |
EnhanceDraw | |
EnhanceDiscard | |
FlavorText | |
Power | |
Armor | |
Æmber | |
Type | Artifact |
House | Mars |
Traits | Location |
Rarity | Uncommon |
SearchText | Action: Put a friendly creature on the bottom of its owner's deck. If you do, make 2 token creatures. |
SearchFlavorText | |
Source | Tis But a Token |
Set Name | Winds of Exchange |
Card Number | 143 |
Meta | SpoilerNew |