CardData:Valoocanth-Locale: Difference between revisions

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|Text=Quand la marée est basse, le Valoucanthe ne peut être utilisé. (Par défaut, la marée n’est ni haute ni basse.) <p> '''Combat/Moisson :''' Inclinez une créature ennemie et chacun de ses voisins.
|Text={{Tide}} While the [[Tide|tide]] is low, Valoocanth cannot be used. <p> '''Fight/Reap:''' Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.
|SearchText=Quand la marée est basse, le Valoucanthe ne peut être utilisé. (Par défaut, la marée n’est ni haute ni basse.) <p> Combat/Moisson : Inclinez une créature ennemie et chacun de ses voisins.
|SearchText= While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used. <p> Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.

Revision as of 22:41, 6 May 2021

EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale de-de
Name Valoocanth
Image De-de-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale es-es
Name Valucanto
Image Es-es-453-A10.png
Text Mientras la marea esté baja, no se puede usar el Valucanto (por defecto, la marea no está ni alta ni baja).

Luchar/Cosechar: Agota una criatura enemiga y cada una de sus cartas adyacentes.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale fr-fr
Name Valoucanthe
Image Fr-fr-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale it-it
Name Valucanto
Image It-it-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale ko-ko
Name 발루캔스
Image Ko-ko-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale pl-pl
Name Valoocanth
Image Pl-pl-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale pt-pt
Name Valocanto
Image File:Pt-pt-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale ru-ru
Name Valoocanth
Image 453-A10.png
Text While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used. (By default, the tide is neither high or low.)

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale th-th
Name Valoocanth
Image 496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale zh-hans
Name 彩斑鳟
Image Zh-hans-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.


EnglishName Valoocanth
Locale zh-hant
Name 彩斑鱒
Image Zh-hant-496-350.png
Text Tide icon While the tide is low, Valoocanth cannot be used.

Fight/Reap: Exhaust an enemy creature and each of its neighbors.
