Page values for "CardData:Ghostform (Anomaly)"
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
"_pageData" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
_creationDate | Datetime | |
_modificationDate | Datetime | |
_pageID | Integer | 33,188 |
_pageName | Page | CardData:Ghostform (Anomaly) |
_pageTitle | String | Ghostform (Anomaly) |
_pageNamespace | Integer | 3,000 |
"SetData" values
2 rows are stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
SetName | Page | Worlds Collide |
CardNumber | Wikitext | A01 |
Meta | Text | Debut |
Field | Field type | Value |
SetName | Page | Winds of Exchange |
CardNumber | Wikitext | A01 |
Meta | Text |
"CardData" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
Name | Page | Ghostform (Anomaly) |
Image | File | |
Artist | Wikitext | Andreas Zafiratos |
Text | Wikitext | This creature gains invulnerable. (It cannot be destroyed or dealt damage.) This creature gains, “Fight/Reap: Archive Ghostform.” |
Keywords | Wikitext | |
Assault | Integer | |
Hazardous | Integer | |
EnhanceAmber | Integer | 0 |
EnhanceCapture | Integer | 0 |
EnhanceDamage | Integer | 0 |
EnhanceDraw | Integer | 0 |
EnhanceDiscard | Integer | |
FlavorText | Wikitext | |
Power | Integer | |
Armor | Integer | |
Amber | Integer | 1 |
Type | Wikitext | Upgrade |
House | Wikitext | Anomaly |
Traits | Wikitext | |
Rarity | Wikitext | Fixed |
SearchText | Text | This creature gains invulnerable. (It cannot be destroyed or dealt damage.) <p> This creature gains, “Fight/Reap: Archive Ghostform.” |
SearchFlavorText | Text | |
Source | Wikitext |