Page values for "CardData:Fetchdrones-Locale"
"_pageData" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
_creationDate | Datetime | 2021-02-18 8:50:45 PM |
_modificationDate | Datetime | 2021-03-02 6:06:23 AM |
_pageID | Integer | 8,497 |
_pageName | Page | CardData:Fetchdrones-Locale |
_pageTitle | String | Fetchdrones-Locale |
_pageNamespace | Integer | 3,000 |
"CardLocaleData" values
11 rows are stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | de-de |
Name | Text | Apportdrohnen |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Aktion: Lege die obersten 2 Karten deines Decks ab. Für jede auf diese Weise abgelegte Logos-Karte erbeutet eine befreundete Kreatur 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | es-es |
Name | Text | Drones Atrapadores |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Acción: Descarta las 2 primeras cartas de tu mazo. Por cada carta de Logos descartada de este modo, una criatura aliada captura 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | fr-fr |
Name | Text | Drones Rapporteurs |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Action : Défaussez les 2 cartes du sommet de votre deck. Pour chaque carte Logos défaussée de la sorte, une créature alliée capture 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | it-it |
Name | Text | Droni da Riporto |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Azione: Scarta 2 carte dalla cima del tuo mazzo. Per ogni carta Logos scartata in questo modo, una creatura amica cattura 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | ko-ko |
Name | Text | Fetchdrones |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Action: Discard the top 2 cards of your deck. For each Logos card discarded this way, a friendly creature captures 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | pl-pl |
Name | Text | Aportodrony |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Akcja: Odrzuć 2 karty z wierzchu swojej talii. Za każdą kartę Logos odrzuconą w ten sposób przyjazne stworzenie przejmuje 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | pt-pt |
Name | Text | Drones Buscadores |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Ação: Descarte as 2 cartas do topo do seu baralho. Para cada carta da Logos descartada desta forma, uma criatura amiga captura 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | ru-ru |
Name | Text | Fetchdrones |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | Action: Discard the top 2 cards of your deck. For each Logos card discarded this way, a friendly creature captures 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | th-th |
Name | Text | โดรนฉกชิง |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | แอคชั่น: ทิ้งการ์ด 2 ใบบนสุดของกองการ์ดเรา; ต่อการ์ดโลโกส์แต่ละใบที่ทิ้งด้วยผลของการ์ดนี้ ครีเจอร์ฝ่ายเรา 1 ตัวยึดครอง 2 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | zh-hans |
Name | Text | 递送用无人机 |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | 行动:弃掉你牌库顶的2张卡牌。每有1张以此方式弃掉的逻机卡牌,1个友方生物抢占2A。 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |
Field | Field type | Value |
EnglishName | Page | Fetchdrones |
Locale | Text | zh-hant |
Name | Text | 遞送用無人機 |
Image | File | |
Text | Wikitext | 行動:棄掉你牌庫頂的2張卡牌。每有1張以此方式棄掉的邏機卡牌,1個友方生物搶佔2A。 |
FlavorText | Wikitext |