User:Blinkingline/Site Admin stuff
General Architecture Notes
All of AA resides on a Digital Ocean Droplet.
Outside of the main MW directory, we use block storage to store all of the files and images for the wiki. Block storage is mounted at /var/www/html/pool
and then symlinked to the images and file directories within the MediaWiki installation.
Give a user CLI access
Generate Site Map
- To generate a sitemap manually:
php maintenance/generateSitemap.php --memory-limit=50M --fspath=/var/www/html/aa-en/sitemap/ --identifier=archonarcana --urlpath=/sitemap/ --server= --compress=yes
Reboot the box
- Rebooting the box in X minutes
shutdown -r X
Rebuilding the search index
- in /etc/elasticsearch/ get the list of indices:
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/indices/*?v&s=index&pretty"
- Delete the all of the Mediawiki indices:
curl -X DELETE "localhost:9200/mediadb?pretty"
- In /var/www/html/aa-en/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance:
- Re-initialize CirrusSearch (include the php version until php8 is supported):
- In /var/www/html/aa-en/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance:
php7.4 updateSearchIndexConfig.php --wiki=wikiid --startOver
- Then force a reindex.
php7.4 forceSearchIndex.php --wiki=wikiid
Note that after a major upgrade if you upgrade Elasticsearch, you'll need to reenable it as a service
sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload sudo /bin/systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
- PyWikiBot is installed on in /etc/pywikibot
- When a big update is we may need to do a bunch of null edits to force the pages to update. The easiest way to do this is through pywikibot's touch command. Below will login via Pywikibot, then do a touch of all articles in the "Card" category
cd /etc/pywikibot/core python3 login nohup python3 touch -cat:Card -start:! &
Last command puts the output to a file called nohup.out. The job should continue to run even if the terminal session gets disconnected.
You MAY need to then run runJobs.php on the AA box, just to clean anything else up.
Jobrunner Service
Jobs seemed to be piling up in the queue so there's a service now that runs runJobs.php at regular intervals, rather than waiting on Web requests to trigger it. When we upgrade, we'll need to adjust the path of the jobrunner.
- /usr/local/bin/mwjobrunner
#!/bin/bash # Put the MediaWiki installation path on the line below MW_INSTALL_PATH=/var/www/html/mediawiki-1.34.0 RUNJOBS=$MW_INSTALL_PATH/maintenance/runJobs.php echo Starting job service... # Wait a minute after the server starts up to give other processes time to get started sleep 60 echo Started. while true; do # Job types that need to be run ASAP mo matter how many of them are in the queue # Those jobs should be very "cheap" to run php $RUNJOBS --type="enotifNotify" # Everything else, limit the number of jobs on each batch # The --wait parameter will pause the execution here until new jobs are added, # to avoid running the loop without anything to do php $RUNJOBS --wait --maxjobs=20 # Wait some seconds to let the CPU do other things, like handling web requests, etc echo Waiting for 10 seconds... sleep 10 done
- /etc/systemd/system/mw-jobqueue.service
[Unit] Description=MediaWiki Job runner [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mwjobrunner Nice=10 ProtectSystem=full User=www-data OOMScoreAdjust=200 StandardOutput=journal [Install]
- Enabling, starting, and checking the service
sudo systemctl enable mw-jobqueue sudo systemctl start mw-jobqueue sudo systemctl status mw-jobqueue
Upgrading MediaWiki versions
- Create make sure the domain is available for testing.
- Create aa-new directory in the /html folder
- Download the new version of mediawiki to aa-new and extract it.
- Copy LocalSetttings.php to the new install. Note you will need to install extensions and skins noted below.
- Modify the $wgServer = ""; until testing is over.
- Make symlinks for files and images: ln -s /var/www/html/pool/images images (may have to delete the existing images directory)
- Backup the database using the command below
mysqldump -u root -p current_database > backup.sql
- Create a new database for the new version using (new_database should follow appropriate name)
CREATE DATABASE new_database;
- Copy the database to the new database using the command below (Replace "new_database" with the appropriate name)
mysql -u root -p new_database < backup.sql
- Grant the appropriate privileges to the database user.
- Edit LocalSettings.php to reflect the new database name
- run php update.php from the maintenance folder to update the db schema.
- Use to complete the update process, if necessary.
Once upgrade is complete and moved to stable, copy robots.txt to the new directory and generate a new site map.
Skins and Extensions needed as of MW 1.38
These are the skins and extensions used outside of core:
- Skins:
- Extensions:
- TinyMCE
- Theme
- MobileFrontEnd
- HitCounters
- Related Articles
- MassEditRegex
- Elastica
- CirrusSearch
- Intersection
- Google Analytics Integration
- WikiSEO
- Popups
- Labeled Section Transclusion
- Cargo
- Page Forms
- Loops
- Variables
- Template Styles