
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki

Valid keywords for SOURCE:

|TAoItS=The Archives of Inka the Spider
|Inka=The Archives of Inka the Spider
|Archives=The Archives of Inka the Spider
|OUaG=Once Upon a Goblin
|Goblin=Once Upon a Goblin
|ASG=A Strange Game
|DP=Dextre's Price
|Dextre=Dextre's Price
|TML=The Martian Legend
|Martian=The Martian Legend
|TGoH=The Gate of Hope
|Gate=The Gate of Hope
|NNN=Niffle, Niffle, Niffle
|Niffle=Niffle, Niffle, Niffle
|WHitS=What Hides in the Shadows
|Shadows=What Hides in the Shadows
|TLS=The Lucky Side
|Lucky=The Lucky Side
|ORW=On Radiant Wings
|Radiant=On Radiant Wings
|Wings=On Radiant Wings
|SotC=Secrets of the Crucible
|Secrets=Secrets of the Crucible
|RPG=Secrets of the Crucible
|MI=Mutant Invasion
The Archives of Inka the Spider
Once Upon a Goblin
A Strange Game
Dextre's Price
The Martian Legend
The Gate of Hope
Niffle, Niffle, Niffle
What Hides in the Shadows
The Lucky Side
On Radiant Wings
Secrets of the Crucible
Mutant Invasion