Module:LuacardTemplates2: Difference between revisions

From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
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has_rulecommentary = has commentary rulings  (wont be translated)
has_rulecommentary = has commentary rulings  (wont be translated)
has_ruleoutstanding = has outstanding rulings  (wont be translated)
has_ruleoutstanding = has outstanding rulings  (wont be translated)
has_related = has related card data
has_notes = has related card notes

lists of data
lists of data
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   filter_rules_text = replaces pagename with card name so the ruling works on other pages
   filter_rules_text = replaces pagename with card name so the ruling works on other pages
   RulesSource = rules source
   RulesSource = rules source
related = list of related card information
  Text = The type of relationship
  Cards = list of related cards for this relationship
      Image = the card image
      Name = the card name
cardnotes = list of notes about this card
  Text = the text of the note