Module:Luastache renderer
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Luastache renderer/doc
--Module:luastache_renderer local Scanner = require("Module:luastache_scanner") local Context = require("Module:luastache_context") local error, ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, tostring, type = error, ipairs, pairs, setmetatable, tostring, type local math_floor, math_max, string_find, string_gsub, string_split, string_sub, table_concat, table_insert, table_remove = math.floor, math.max, string.find, string.gsub, string.split, string.sub, table.concat, table.insert, table.remove local patterns = { white = "%s*", space = "%s+", nonSpace = "%S", eq = "%s*=", curly = "%s*}", tag = "[#\\^/>{&=!?]" } local html_escape_characters = { ["&"] = "&", ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ['"'] = """, ["'"] = "'", ["/"] = "/" } local block_tags = { ["#"] = true, ["^"] = true, ["?"] = true, } local function is_array(array) if type(array) ~= "table" then return false end local max, n = 0, 0 for k, _ in pairs(array) do if not (type(k) == "number" and k > 0 and math_floor(k) == k) then return false end max = math_max(max, k) n = n + 1 end return n == max end -- Low-level function that compiles the given `tokens` into a -- function that accepts two arguments: a Context and a -- Renderer. local function compile_tokens(tokens, originalTemplate) local subs = {} local function subrender(i, tokens) if not subs[i] then local fn = compile_tokens(tokens, originalTemplate) subs[i] = function(ctx, rnd) return fn(ctx, rnd) end end return subs[i] end local function render(ctx, rnd) local buf = {} local token, section for i, token in ipairs(tokens) do local t = token.type buf[#buf+1] = t == "?" and rnd:_conditional( token, ctx, subrender(i, token.tokens) ) or t == "#" and rnd:_section( token, ctx, subrender(i, token.tokens), originalTemplate ) or t == "^" and rnd:_inverted( token.value, ctx, subrender(i, token.tokens) ) or t == ">" and rnd:_partial(token.value, ctx, originalTemplate) or (t == "{" or t == "&") and rnd:_name(token.value, ctx, false) or t == "name" and rnd:_name(token.value, ctx, true) or t == "text" and token.value or "" end return table_concat(buf) end return render end local function escape_tags(tags) return { string_gsub(tags[1], "%%", "%%%%").."%s*", "%s*"..string_gsub(tags[2], "%%", "%%%%"), } end local function nest_tokens(tokens) local tree = {} local collector = tree local sections = {} local token, section for i,token in ipairs(tokens) do if block_tags[token.type] then token.tokens = {} sections[#sections+1] = token collector[#collector+1] = token collector = token.tokens elseif token.type == "/" then if #sections == 0 then error("Unopened section: "..token.value) end -- Make sure there are no open sections when we're done section = table_remove(sections, #sections) if not section.value == token.value then error("Unclosed section: "..section.value) end section.closingTagIndex = token.startIndex if #sections > 0 then collector = sections[#sections].tokens else collector = tree end else collector[#collector+1] = token end end section = table_remove(sections, #sections) if section then error("Unclosed section: "..section.value) end return tree end -- Combines the values of consecutive text tokens in the given `tokens` array -- to a single token. local function squash_tokens(tokens) local out, txt = {}, {} local txtStartIndex, txtEndIndex for _, v in ipairs(tokens) do if v.type == "text" then if #txt == 0 then txtStartIndex = v.startIndex end txt[#txt+1] = v.value txtEndIndex = v.endIndex else if #txt > 0 then out[#out+1] = { type = "text", value = table_concat(txt), startIndex = txtStartIndex, endIndex = txtEndIndex } txt = {} end out[#out+1] = v end end if #txt > 0 then out[#out+1] = { type = "text", value = table_concat(txt), startIndex = txtStartIndex, endIndex = txtEndIndex } end return out end local function make_context(view) if not view then return view end return getmetatable(view) == Context and view or Context:new(view) end local renderer = { } function renderer:clear_cache() self.cache = {} self.partial_cache = {} end function renderer:compile(tokens, tags, originalTemplate) tags = tags or self.tags if type(tokens) == "string" then tokens = self:parse(tokens, tags) end local fn = compile_tokens(tokens, originalTemplate) return function(view) return fn(make_context(view), self) end end function renderer:render(template, view, partials) if type(self) == "string" then error("Call mustache:render, not mustache.render!") end if partials then -- remember partial table -- used for runtime lookup & compile later on self.partials = partials end if not template then return "" end local fn = self.cache[template] if not fn then fn = self:compile(template, self.tags, template) self.cache[template] = fn end return fn(view) end function renderer:_conditional(token, context, callback) local value = context:lookup(token.value) if value then return callback(context, self) end return "" end function renderer:_section(token, context, callback, originalTemplate) local value = context:lookup(token.value) if type(value) == "table" then if is_array(value) then local buffer = "" for i,v in ipairs(value) do buffer = buffer .. callback(context:push(v), self) end return buffer end return callback(context:push(value), self) elseif type(value) == "function" then local section_text = string_sub(originalTemplate, token.endIndex+1, token.closingTagIndex - 1) local scoped_render = function(template) return self:render(template, context) end return value(section_text, scoped_render) or "" else if value then return callback(context, self) end end return "" end function renderer:_inverted(name, context, callback) local value = context:lookup(name) -- From the spec: inverted sections may render text once based on the -- inverse value of the key. That is, they will be rendered if the key -- doesn't exist, is false, or is an empty list. if value == nil or value == false or (type(value) == "table" and is_array(value) and #value == 0) then return callback(context, self) end return "" end function renderer:_partial(name, context, originalTemplate) local fn = self.partial_cache[name] -- check if partial cache exists if (not fn and self.partials) then local partial = self.partials[name] if (not partial) then return "" end -- compile partial and store result in cache fn = self:compile(partial, nil, partial) self.partial_cache[name] = fn end return fn and fn(context, self) or "" end function renderer:_name(name, context, escape) local value = context:lookup(name) if type(value) == "function" then value = value(context.view) end local str = value == nil and "" or value str = tostring(str) if not escape then return string_gsub(str, '[&<>"\'/]', function(s) return html_escape_characters[s] end) end return str end -- Breaks up the given `template` string into a tree of token objects. If -- `tags` is given here it must be an array with two string values: the -- opening and closing tags used in the template (e.g. ["<%", "%>"]). Of -- course, the default is to use mustaches (i.e. Mustache.tags). function renderer:parse(template, tags) tags = tags or self.tags local tag_patterns = escape_tags(tags) local scanner = Scanner:new(template) local tokens = {} -- token buffer local spaces = {} -- indices of whitespace tokens on the current line local has_tag = false -- is there a {{tag} on the current line? local non_space = false -- is there a non-space char on the current line? -- Strips all whitespace tokens array for the current line if there was -- a {{#tag}} on it and otherwise only space local function strip_space() if has_tag and not non_space then while #spaces > 0 do table_remove(tokens, table_remove(spaces)) end else spaces = {} end has_tag = false non_space = false end local type, value, chr while not scanner:eos() do local start = scanner.pos value = scanner:scan_until(tag_patterns[1]) if value then for i = 1, #value do chr = string_sub(value,i,i) if string_find(chr, "%s+") then spaces[#spaces+1] = #tokens + 1 else non_space = true end tokens[#tokens+1] = { type = "text", value = chr, startIndex = start, endIndex = start } start = start + 1 if chr == "\n" then strip_space() end end end if not scanner:scan(tag_patterns[1]) then break end has_tag = true type = scanner:scan(patterns.tag) or "name" scanner:scan(patterns.white) if type == "=" then value = scanner:scan_until(patterns.eq) scanner:scan(patterns.eq) scanner:scan_until(tag_patterns[2]) elseif type == "{" then local close_pattern = "%s*}"..tags[2] value = scanner:scan_until(close_pattern) scanner:scan(patterns.curly) scanner:scan_until(tag_patterns[2]) else value = scanner:scan_until(tag_patterns[2]) end if not scanner:scan(tag_patterns[2]) then error("Unclosed tag " .. value .. " of type " .. type .. " at position " .. scanner.pos) end tokens[#tokens+1] = { type = type, value = value, startIndex = start, endIndex = scanner.pos - 1 } if type == "name" or type == "{" or type == "&" then non_space = true --> what does this do? end if type == "=" then tags = string_split(value, tag_patterns = escape_tags(tags) end end return nest_tokens(squash_tokens(tokens)) end function renderer:new() local out = { cache = {}, partial_cache = {}, tags = {"{{", "}}"} } return setmetatable(out, { __index = self }) end return renderer