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EnglishName Sloth
Locale de-de
Name Trägheit
Image De-de-479-062.png
Text Falls du in diesem Zug keine Kreaturen verwendet hast, erhältst du am Ende deines Zuges 1Aember icon für jede befreundete Sünde-Kreatur.

EnglishName Sloth
Locale es-es
Name Pereza
Image Es-es-479-062.png
Text Al final de tu turno, si no has usado ninguna criatura en este turno, obtén 1 Aember icon por cada criatura Pecado aliada.

EnglishName Sloth
Locale fr-fr
Name Acedia
Image Fr-fr-479-062.png
Text À la fin de votre tour, si vous n’avez utilisé aucune créature ce tour-ci, gagnez 1Aember icon pour chaque créature Péché alliée.

EnglishName Sloth
Locale it-it
Name Accidia
Image It-it-479-062.png
Text Alla fine del tuo turno, se non hai usato creature in questo turno, ottieni 1Aember icon per ogni creatura Peccato amica.

EnglishName Sloth
Locale ko-ko
Name 나태
Image Ko-ko-479-062.png
Text 이번 차례에 내가 아무 생명체도 사용하지

않았다면, 내 차례가 끝날 때 우호적인 각

‘죄악’ 생명체마다 1A를 얻습니다.


EnglishName Sloth
Locale pl-pl
Name Lenistwo
Image Pl-pl-479-062.png
Text Na koniec swojej tury, jeśli nie użyłeś w tej turze żadnego stworzenia, otrzymujesz 1Aember icon za każde przyjazne stworzenie z cechą GRZECH.

EnglishName Sloth
Locale pt-pt
Name Preguiça
Image Pt-pt-479-062.png
Text No final do seu turno, se você não usou nenhuma criatura neste turno, ganhe 1Aember icon para cada criatura Pecado amiga.

EnglishName Sloth
Locale ru-ru
Name Sloth
Image Ru-ru-479-062.png
Text At the end of your turn, if you did not use any creatures this turn, gain 1Aember icon for each friendly Sin creature.

EnglishName Sloth
Locale th-th
Name เกียจคร้าน “สล็อธ”
Image Th-th-479-062.png
Text เมื่อจบตาเล่นของเรา หากเราไม่ได้ใช้งาน

ครีเจอร์เลยในตาเล่นนี้ ได้รับ 1Aember icon ตามจำนวนครีเจอร์บาปฝ่ายเรา


EnglishName Sloth
Locale zh-hans
Name 懒惰魔
Image Zh-hans-479-062.png
Text 你回合结束时,如果你本回合没有使用任何生物,每有1个友方原罪生物,你获得1A。

EnglishName Sloth
Locale zh-hant
Name 懶惰
Image Zh-hant-479-062.png
Text 你的回合結束時,如果本回合你沒有使用任何生物,每有1個友方原罪生物,獲得1A。