CardData:Glorious Few-Locale

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EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale de-de
Name Die glorreiche Schar
Image De-de-341-218.png
Text Spielen: Für jede Kreatur, die dein Gegner mehr kontrolliert als du, erhältst du 1Aember icon.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale es-es
Name Elegidos para la Gloria
Image Es-es-341-218.png
Text Jugar: Por cada criatura que controle tu oponente por encima del número de las tuyas, obtén 1 Aember icon.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale fr-fr
Name Une Poignée d’Élus
Image Fr-fr-341-218.png
Text Jouez : Pour chaque créature de votre adversaire en surnombre par rapport aux vôtres, vous gagnez 1 Aember icon.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale it-it
Name Pochi Eletti
Image It-it-341-218.png
Text Gioco: Ottieni 1Aember icon per ogni creatura che il tuo avversario controlla in più rispetto alle tue.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale ko-ko
Name Glorious Few
Image 341-218.png
Text Play: For each creature your opponent controls in excess of you, gain 1Aember icon.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale pl-pl
Name Kilku Wspaniałych
Image Pl-pl-341-218.png
Text Zagranie: Otrzymaj liczbę Aember icon równą przewadze przeciwnika w liczbie stworzeń.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale pt-pt
Name Os Poucos Gloriosos
Image Pt-pt-341-218.png
Text Jogar: Para cada criatura que o seu oponente controla a mais do que você, ganhe 1Aember icon.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale ru-ru
Name Glorious Few
Image 341-218.png
Text Play: For each creature your opponent controls in excess of you, gain 1Aember icon.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale th-th
Name Glorious Few
Image 341-218.png
Text Play: For each creature your opponent controls in excess of you, gain 1Aember icon.

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale zh-hans
Name 荣耀精兵
Image Zh-hans-341-218.png
Text 打出:你对手控制的生物每超过你1个,你获得1A。

EnglishName Glorious Few
Locale zh-hant
Name 榮耀精兵
Image Zh-hant-341-218.png
Text 打出:你對手控制的生物每超過你1個,你獲得1A。