CardData:Forging an Alliance-Locale

From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale de-de
Name Eine Allianz schmieden
Image De-de-479-342.png
Text Spielen: Schmiede einen Schlüssel zu den aktuellen Kosten +7Aember icon, reduziert um 1Aember icon (maximal 6) für jede Fraktion, die auf Karten im Spiel vertreten ist.
FlavorText „Willkommen in der Großen Sternenallianz!“

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale es-es
Name Forjando una Alianza
Image Es-es-479-342.png
Text Jugar: Forja una llave por el coste actual de Aember icon +7, reducido en 1 Aember icon (hasta un máximo de 6) por cada Casa representada entre las cartas en juego.
FlavorText “¡Bienvenidos a la Gran Alianza Estelar!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale fr-fr
Name Forger une Alliance
Image Fr-fr-479-342.png
Text Jouez : Forgez une clé à son coût actuel +7Aember icon, réduit de 1 (maximum de 6) pour chaque Maison représentée parmi les cartes en jeu.
FlavorText « Bienvenue dans l’Extraordinaire Novalliance ! »

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale it-it
Name Forgiare un’Alleanza
Image It-it-479-342.png
Text Gioco: Forgia una chiave al costo attuale +7Aember icon, riducendo il costo di 1Aember icon (fino a un massimo di 6) per ogni Casa rappresentata tra le carte in gioco.
FlavorText “Benvenuti nella Grande Federazione Stellare!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale ko-ko
Name 연합 구축
Image Ko-ko-479-342.png
Text 플레이: 열쇠 하나를 현재 열쇠 비용 +7A에서,

플레이 영역에 놓인 카드가 속한 각 세력 종류마다

1A씩(최대 6) 감소된 열쇠 비용으로 제작합니다.

FlavorText “위대한 스타 얼라이언스에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale pl-pl
Name Wykucie przymierza
Image Pl-pl-479-342.png
Text Zagranie: Wykuj klucz, płacąc bieżący koszt +7Aember icon pomniejszony o 1Aember icon (maksymalnie o 6) za każdy dom reprezentowany przez karty w grze.
FlavorText „Witajcie w Wielkim Gwiezdnym Sojuszu!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale pt-pt
Name Forjando uma Aliança
Image Pt-pt-479-342.png
Text Jogar: Forje uma chave pelo custo atual +7Aember icon, com redução de 1Aember icon (no máximo 6) para cada casa representada pelas cartas em jogo.
FlavorText “Bem-vindos à Grande Aliança Estelar!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale ru-ru
Name Forging an Alliance
Image Ru-ru-479-342.png
Text Play: Forge a key at +7Aember icon current cost, reduced by 1Aember icon (to a maximum of 6) for each house represented among cards in play.
FlavorText “Welcome to the Grand Star Alliance!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale th-th
Name สร้างกลุ่มพันธมิตร
Image Th-th-479-342.png
Text เล่น: หลอมกุญแจ 1 ดอกด้วยค่าหลอม

กุญแจปัจจุบัน +7Aember icon และ -1Aember icon (สูงสุดไม่เกิน 6) ตามจำนวนบ้านของการ์ดทั้งหมดในสนาม

FlavorText “ยินดีต้อนรับทุกท่านเข้าสู่พันธมิตรแกรนด์สตาร์อลิแอนซ์!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale zh-hans
Name 锻造联盟
Image Zh-hans-479-342.png
Text 打出:以当前费用+7A锻造1把钥匙,场上卡牌每有1个势力费用降低1A(最多降低6点)。
FlavorText “欢迎加入星际大联盟!”

EnglishName Forging an Alliance
Locale zh-hant
Name 鍛造聯盟
Image Zh-hant-479-342.png
Text 打出:以當前費用+7A鍛造1把鑰匙,場上卡牌每有1個代表的勢力費用降低1A(最多降低6點)。
FlavorText “歡迎加入星際大聯盟!”