CardData:Faust the Great-Locale

From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki

EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale de-de
Name Faust der Große
Image De-de-479-192.png
Text Die Schlüssel deines Gegners kosten +1Aember icon für jede befreundete Kreatur mit Aember icon auf sich.

Spielen: Du darfst eine befreundete Kreatur erheben.


EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale es-es
Name Fausto el Grande
Image Es-es-479-192.png
Text Las llaves de tu oponente cuestan +1 Aember icon por cada criatura aliada que tenga Aember icon sobre ella.

Jugar: Puedes exaltar una criatura



EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale fr-fr
Name Faust le Grand
Image Fr-fr-479-192.png
Text Les clés de votre adversaire coûtent +1Aember icon pour chaque créature alliée qui a de l’A sur elle.

Jouez : Vous pouvez exalter une créature alliée.


EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale it-it
Name Faustus il Grande
Image It-it-479-192.png
Text Le chiavi del tuo avversario costano +1Aember icon per ogni creatura amica con 1Aember icon

o più su di essa.

Gioco: Puoi esaltare 1 creatura amica.


EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale ko-ko
Name 위대한 파우스트
Image Ko-ko-479-192.png
Text A가 놓인 우호적인 각 생명체마다 내 상대의

열쇠 비용이 +1Aember icon 됩니다.

플레이: 우호적인 생명체 하나를 승격시켜도 됩니다.


EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale pl-pl
Name Faust Wspaniały
Image Pl-pl-479-192.png
Text Klucze twojego przeciwnika kosztują +1Aember icon za każde przyjazne stworzenie, na którym znajduje się Aember icon.

Zagranie: Możesz awansować przyjazne



EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale pt-pt
Name Fausto, o Grande
Image Pt-pt-479-192.png
Text As chaves do seu oponente custam +1Aember icon para cada criatura amiga que possua Aember icon sobre elas.

Jogar: Você pode exaltar uma criatura amiga.


EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale ru-ru
Name Faust the Great
Image Ru-ru-479-192.png
Text Your opponent’s keys cost +1Aember icon for each friendly creature with Aember icon on it.

Play: You may exalt a friendly creature.


EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale th-th
Name เฟาสต์ผู้ยิ่งใหญ่
Image Th-th-479-192.png
Text ค่าหลอมกุญแจของฝ่ายตรงข้าม +1 ตามจำนวนครีเจอร์ฝ่ายเราที่มี Aember icon บนตัว

เล่น: เราสามารถประดับยศครีเจอร์ฝ่ายเรา

1 ตัว


EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale zh-hans
Name 伟者浮士德
Image Zh-hans-479-192.png
Text 每有1个拥有A的友方生物,你对手的钥匙费用+1A。



EnglishName Faust the Great
Locale zh-hant
Name 偉大的浮士德
Image Zh-hant-479-192.png
Text 每有1個擁有A的友方生物,你對手的鑰匙費用+1A。

