CardData:Bo Nithing-Locale

From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale de-de
Name Kleiner Feigling
Image De-de-479-245.png
Text Spielen: Du stiehlst 1Aember icon für jeden geschmiedeten Schlüssel, den dein Gegner hat.
FlavorText „Einer für mich, einer für Herrn Schatten.“

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale es-es
Name Bo Nithing
Image Es-es-479-245.png
Text Jugar: Roba 1 Aember icon por cada llave forjada que tenga tu oponente.
FlavorText “Uno para mí y otro para el Señor Sombra.”

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale fr-fr
Name Bo le Vendu
Image Fr-fr-479-245.png
Text Jouez : Volez 1Aember icon pour chaque clé forgée que possède votre adversaire.
FlavorText « Une pour moi, et une pour M. Ombre. »

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale it-it
Name Bubù Settete
Image It-it-479-245.png
Text Gioco: Ruba 1Aember icon per ogni chiave forgiata posseduta dal tuo avversario.
FlavorText “Uno per me e uno per Mister Ombra.”

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale ko-ko
Name 양아치 보
Image Ko-ko-479-245.png
Text 플레이: 내 상대가 가진 제작한 상태인 각 열쇠마다 1A를 탈취합니다.
FlavorText “내 거 하나, 섀도우님 거 하나.”

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale pl-pl
Name Zdradziecki Bo
Image Pl-pl-479-245.png
Text Zagranie: Ukradnij 1Aember icon za każdy wykuty klucz przeciwnika.
FlavorText „Jeden dla mnie i jeden dla Pana Cienia”.

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale pt-pt
Name Boo Nitinho
Image Pt-pt-479-245.png
Text Jogar: Roube 1Aember icon para cada chave forjada que o seu oponente tiver.
FlavorText "Um para mim, e um para o Sr. Sombra."

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale ru-ru
Name Bo Nithing
Image Ru-ru-479-245.png
Text Play: Steal 1Aember icon for each forged key your opponent has.
FlavorText “One for me, and one for Mr. Shadow.”

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale th-th
Name โบ นิทธิง
Image Th-th-479-245.png
Text เล่น: ขโมย 1Aember icon ตามจำนวนกุญแจที่ฝ่ายตรงข้ามหลอมสำเร็จแล้ว
FlavorText “อันหนึ่งของข้า อีกอันของคุณเงา”

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale zh-hans
Name 毋名
Image Zh-hans-479-245.png
Text 打出:你的对手每有1把锻造完毕的钥匙,你窃取1A。
FlavorText “一个给我,一个给暗影先生。”

EnglishName Bo Nithing
Locale zh-hant
Name 玻•尼辛
Image Zh-hant-479-245.png
Text 打出:你的對手每有1個已鍛造的鑰匙,竊取1A。
FlavorText “1個給我,1個給影子先生。”