Template:Documentation subpage
From Archon Arcana - The KeyForge Wiki
- Note
- This template will take an alternative parameter {{{1}}} when it is applied as a X/doc style warning in a common usage page for several utility templates. (Such as are normally related by function or application and frequently list one another as see also pages.)
Ver: fix up interwiki issues, class mesagebox 'standard-talk' not so standard, make links interwiki.// FrankB 21:47, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
Org: Commons, IWTG perams adusts, (mn) FrankB 18:44, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
- REDIRECT Template:Clear
See also
- M:Meta:Template doc page pattern or W:Wikipedia:Template doc page pattern for how this template is used.
- Related templates:
- Template:Tlw (as redirect: Template:Tlw)
- Template:Tlw
- REDIRECT Template:Clear
ja:Template:テンプレート文書直接表示 pl:Szablon:Dokumentacja szablonu oglądana bezpośrednio sl:Predloga:Neposredno prikazana dokumentacijska stran predloge uk:Шаблон:Документація шаблона (безпосередня) zh:Template:Template doc page viewed directly