The Keyraken

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The Keyraken
The Keyraken • Keyraken • Keyraken • Special • The Keyraken’s power is equal to 30 times the number of players.

The Keyraken only deals 3Damage icon while fighting.

The Keyraken gets +2 armor for each unforged key the active player has.

If the Keyraken is destroyed, the players win the game. • Artist: Kevin Sidharta • Card Number: RotK:001

The Keyraken
The Keyraken’s power is equal to 30 times the number of players.

The Keyraken only deals 3Damage icon while fighting.

The Keyraken gets +2 armor for each unforged key the active player has.

If the Keyraken is destroyed, the players win the game.

RotK 001

Related Cards

The Keyraken is featured in the flavor text of the following cards: