CardData:Myx, the Tallminded (Ironyx Rebels)

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Name Myx, the Tallminded (Ironyx Rebels)
Image 892-078.png
Artist Leandro Franci
Text Your opponent’s keys cost +1Aember icon for each friendly Mars creature in play.
Assault 0
Hazardous 0
EnhanceAmber 0
EnhanceCapture 0
EnhanceDamage 0
EnhanceDraw 0
EnhanceDiscard 0
FlavorText “Together, we are as tall as any Elder!”
Power 5
Armor 0
Æmber 0
Type Creature
House Ironyx Rebels
Traits Martian
Rarity Common
SearchText Your opponent’s keys cost +1A for each friendly Mars creature in play.
SearchFlavorText “Together, we are as tall as any Elder!”
Set Name Martian Civil War
Card Number 078
Meta Debut