Lore:The Inspired

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The Adepts of Æmber Inspired, commonly shortened to "the Inspired" is a religious sect made of intelligent species from all over the Crucible. The Inspired believe that the properties of æmber prove that it is a gift provided by the Architects to allow the denizens of the Crucible to reach a higher spiritual state which they call "Completion". Adepts of the Inspired see æmber as a sacred substance, and so they rarely use it to power abilities or technology. The Inspired are largely a pacifistic organization, though martial arts training is often part of the studies of an Adept, with the one condition that Adepts should never kill as it is seen as preventing another being from ever reaching Completion.


The Inspired find adherents from all over the Crucible, and all of its members strive towards Completion via "The Path", a process that begins with a member finding a unique piece of æmber and meditating upon it to gain a connection with it. In meditation, the æmber must remain pure and unaffected by the will or emotions of the adept. The adept then begins a pilgrimage to traverse the Crucible to study it and how æmber effects the lives of every being to lives on it. The nature of the Completion and what happens upon reaching it varies from person to person, with no set result, though tales often end with the being in question becoming one with æmber or the Crucible or both.

Relationship with Archons

Not much is known about the relationship between archons and Inspired, though the fact that archons use æmber to forge keys in vault battles and the Inspired see using æmber in a way that expends its energy as wasteful may cause interesting philosophical arguments.


The Inspired have no major goals aside from seeing as many people reach Completion as possible. However, the Inspired do not proselytize as a rule and only those who are interested in joining the Inspired with genuine interest are accepted into their ranks. It's often the case that an adept will not appear any different from any other traveler on the Crucible until they are seen meditating on their æmber or otherwise show they need to follow rules of the order. The Inspired are not shy about sharing their philosophies with those who are curious and are always happy to see more members join their ranks.

Notable Members


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